Blue Bear is an Italian-style company that handles design and production projects directly from Moscow.
This synergy means:
Local production ensures savings in heavy import duties and high transport costs.
A local project manager monitors progress on a daily basis and ensures the support of local partners.
Tecnoshops’ Italian know-how and management skills get the best quality from Russian production.
Our clients
Blue Bear serves medium and large brands planning to expand in Russia, guaranteeing top quality results.

We support architecture and design studios in all phases of project management, from the selection of materials to the supply of samples.

Retail Groups
We help retail groups develop brand environments, supporting all stages from design to installation, coordinating multiple openings and delivering turnkey solutions.

We provide leading professionals to complete top-quality projects for clients seeking to create truly exclusive environments.

Latest shop projects
1993 – 2018
25 years of friendship, trust and professionalism.

Our two companies share a unique history of honesty, know-how, professionalism and craftsmanship. This allows us to achieve the best in design, architecture, and structural solutions for splendid boutiques that reflect Italian taste and style the world over.

Our production sites
Headquarters Italy
via G. Filippini, 2
61032 Bellocchi di Fano (PU)
T. +39 0721854826
F. + 39 0721 854422
Headquarters Russia
Bolshoy Zlatoustinsky lane 1
building 1
101000 Moscow Russia
T. +7 (495) 6639293

Contact us:
Whether you are ready to start your next project
oor just need more information, get in touch now!